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Protecting the Law Since 1966…

In 1966, 埃尔克哈特的两位杰出pg电子平台app新版下载联手开展了一项联合业务,使每个人都能从对方的独特能力和经验中受益.

Philip E. Byron, Jr. 被普遍认为是印第安纳州北部最有成就的诉讼和就业从业者. Robert C. 作为一名房地产和商业pg电子平台app新版下载,丹尼尔斯同样获得了成功和声誉. 两人第一次见面时,都在考利-哈珀-斯拉博pg电子平台app新版下载事务所工作 & 拜伦,是埃尔克哈特县最优秀的pg电子平台app新版下载在五六十年代的合作.
The firm of Byron & 1971年之前,丹尼尔斯一直在埃尔克哈特市中心富兰克林街和第二街交汇处的芒格大厦(Monger Building)设有办公室, 当时他们搬进了南第二街405号印第安纳大厦二楼的一套办公室. 他们的新办公室以其全面的法律图书馆而闻名于整个地区, which featured all Indiana and Federal Statutes and Reporters, as well as countless treatises, encyclopedia and practice-specific materials. 他们的业务迅速发展到决定雇用一名法学院毕业生的程度, and in 1973, Robert T. 刚从印第安纳大学法学院毕业的桑德斯三世加入了该公司. 鲍勃与菲尔·拜伦和鲍勃·丹尼尔斯在各种各样的课题上密切合作, and was named as a partner in the firm in 1977. Unfortunately, Phil Byron died suddenly on May 20, 1977, 但剩下的两位合伙人继续与相同的客户和实践基础进行实践, which included a number of insurance carriers, both major banks in the city, and a substantial array of local and regional corporations and firms.

The Practice Continues to Grow…

As the practice continued to grow, the partners sought another attorney, PG电子官方平台注册很幸运地在正确的时间和地点雇佣了Michael A. 他从瓦尔帕莱索法学院毕业后回到埃尔克哈特. 迈克在埃尔克哈特当了几年银行家,在当地有很多朋友和生意伙伴, 哪些因素增强了公司的客户基础,并为公司的持续成功做出了巨大贡献

Shortly after Mike joined the firm, 办公室搬到了通讯大厦的四楼, at 421 South Second Street. 事情很快变得很明显,现有的法律业务超出了pg电子平台app新版下载的能力, and James L. Todd, a Naval Academy and Valparaiso Law School graduate, 他以前在哥伦布一家大公司工作,后来以横向雇员的身份加入了这家公司, Ohio. Other associates soon followed, 该公司很快意识到,它需要更多的空间来适应日益增长的业务.

1987年,该公司在埃尔克哈特第四街和高街的拐角处建造了一座新的办公大楼. 随着新大楼的落成,事务所也有了一个新名字:丹尼尔斯桑德斯 & Pianowski, but the attorneys and practice remained the same. 该公司在20世纪80年代和90年代取得了长期而稳定的成功, 在遗产规划和并购方面获得专业知识, while continuing a very active litigation and employment practice. During that time, Matthew A. Yeakey, current partner, and Jason G. 沃德,前合伙人,都是在法学院毕业后被聘用的. Thomas joined the firm as an experienced lateral hire. In 1995, our good friend and mentor Bob Daniels passed away.

因为随着公司的不断壮大,公司的名字越来越麻烦, the name of the firm was shortened to Sanders • Pianowski, LLP in 1996. 更多的pg电子平台app新版下载和工作人员的加入最终导致了高街大楼的拥挤, and in the early 2000s, the partners began searching for a new home for the firm. After an exhaustive search, 该事务所选择了一个风景如画的地点,位于最近开发的埃尔克哈特河步道上,正对面是岛屿公园. An old warehouse was removed from the property, 设计了一座优雅的两层砖砌新建筑, and ground was broken in June of 2002. On Valentine’s Day, 2003, the move was made, despite the fact that the masonry work was not fully completed, 11名pg电子平台app新版下载和同等数量的员工在埃尔克哈特和圣. Joseph Rivers. Since then, 本所一直致力于为社区和地区提供广泛的法律服务.

Why Choose Us

Honest, Expert Lawyers…


A Commitment to Excellence…

Legal representation is the hallmark of our business practice. We have the ability, 拥有丰富的经验和资源,能够成功地为客户提供各种各样的交易性和情境性法律事务方面的咨询. 本所的pg电子平台app新版下载曾就具有国内甚至国际影响的复杂交易进行过谈判. While the core of our practice is small and medium sized firms, PG电子官方平台注册也有一个长期和完成的历史服务公司与地点遍布北美. The firm is small enough to be responsive on a personal basis, but big enough to handle any business needs.

Community Involvement

本所的pg电子平台app新版下载坚定地致力于支持PG电子官方平台注册的社区,并在众多致力于改善生活的当地组织中担任领导角色. PG电子官方平台注册的pg电子平台app新版下载自愿在各种公民和慈善非营利组织的董事会和委员会任职, including Children and Parent Services (CAPS) of Elkhart; Oaklawn Foundation; Elkhart County Community Foundation; Elkhart Noon Kiwanis; ETHOS (Encouraging Technology and Hands On Science); Downtown Elkhart, Inc.; Junior Achievement of Elkhart County; Big Brothers Big Sisters of Elkhart County, Northern Indiana Hispanic Health Coalition, Loveway, and many others…

Our Philosophy

在Sanders•Pianowski, LLP,PG电子官方平台注册的重点是为法律问题寻找创造性的解决方案. PG电子官方平台注册的声誉在于PG电子官方平台注册能够在没有不必要的法律干预的情况下将各方聚集在一起解决争端. 这是通过积极主动地满足客户需求来实现的,通过深思熟虑的战略规划,寻求保护客户免受潜在风险的影响.

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